Wirtz – Leko Brand –Hole Punch for Intercell Connections For Motor Cycle Batteries

Wirtz – Leko Brand –Hole Punch for Intercell Connections For Motor Cycle Batteries

Leko is fully owned and operated by The Wirtz Group of Companies.  For over 20 years, Leko has been designing, installing, and improving lead acid battery assembly line equipment.  Leko’s hole punch equipment for intercell connections offers customers ease of use and flexibility, and are manually controlled units.  The Leko HP-3MC is a bench mounted machine.

Benefits of the HP-3MC Leko Hole Punch:

  • Bench mounted machine with a very small footprint
  • Pneumatically operated machine
  • Accuracy: The machine does not need any adjustments and is fully set up prior to shipment.
  • Very simple to operate and maintain: Rugged construction and easy access to all moving parts for ease and quick maintenance.
  • Interchangeable five hole punch tooling – punches up to 8mm diameter hole in motorcycle containers.

The exact requirements of each utility depend on the configuration, and options selected.  For more info, please contact Sales@WirtzUSA.com